About Me

I live in Texas. I've been married for 15 years, to the the greatest husband ever. I have 2 wonderful kids, S-12yrs. & N-9yrs. I'm a breast cancer survivor that was diagnosed @ the age of 28. I love spending time with my family, preferably outdoors. I have 3 dogs, Abby, Izzy, & Georgia who I absolutely adore. I am a nurse & currently taking care of sisters in their home. A job which I love very much. I can't complain, I've got a pretty great life.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm Back!

I know I've been gone for awhile (almost a year) but due to popular demand I'm Blogging again. We have moved back to Moulton! Bastrop seemed to be to Big City for us. There's just somthing @ small town kids. They have been raised with respect & discipline. We didn't like the peer influences in Bastrop. We didn't have any issues with our kids, it was the quality of their friends & their friends parents. I could see that there could be problems as we approach the teen years. Anyway, I'm working in College Station 3 days a week now. My company puts me up in a hotel & I get to be off 4 days a week with my family. I'm caring for sisters & it's a great gig. It's just hard being away for 3 days. Well got to go for now. Hopefully I can update more this weekend.

Monday, December 8, 2008


OK. I've decided that it's time that I work days. I'm tired of being gone @ night & staying up all night. I love F, but It's just time. I've been working nights for a while. I was offered a job that is M-F 8am - 4pm. Which means that I can get the kids off to school in the am & I'll be home right after they are in the afternoon. As an added bonus I'll be able to sleep in the same bed @ the same time as my hubby. The only downfall is that I will be losing my overtime, but my company is looking to take that away from me anyway. I feel really bad for the family. I really hope that my company can find a replacement quickly. I gave 3 weeks notice.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Last week I was sick & missed 3 days of work. Not "Oh I have a stuffy nose & headache" sick, Body aches, fever, I can't swallow, I can't get out of bed, & I'm coughing crap up sick. It was awful. I am still a little stuffy & coughing. Well guess what? Friday night I got sick again. I was freezing, had stomach cramps, my skin on my back hurt & I had to lay on a heating pad to keep warm. Sat. the chills were gone but I was very sore still had the cramps & was wishing that I could either puke or crap so that I would feel better. Neither of those happened. Sun I felt better but I was very sore. I wanted to get out of the house so we went to Austin to run some errands & have lunch. I was only able to eat part of my lunch & I got so weak we couldn't finish our errands. O & the stomach cramps came back! WTF????
I feel like I'm going through chemo again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just feeling ick......

I'm just feeling pissy & stressed out lately. I think most of it is b/c S has been in "a mood" lately. It always seems to make me pissy when he gets this way. I love him to death but he's just a terd sometimes. I know there are times when the same can be said @ me.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Shelby on Nitrous @ the Dentist


It's been a busy few days so I have a few new posts. Sunday I got my house cleaned!!!! There are still a lot of boxes that I need to go through but my bathroom is organized & the rest of the house is clean.

I decided to stay @ my current job w/Faith for several reasons. 1) money- I took the kids to the dentist today & spent $350 & N still needs @ $1000 more worth of work done. He may have to have 2 teeth pulled to make room for his adult teeth. He also has 4 cavities. 2) What if I start a new job & hate it? 3)I'm off on fri. & if we want to go out of town we can leave whenever instead of waiting until after work. 4) I feel that I would be letting Faith & her family down.

Sh had 3 cavities filled today & d/t her fear of needles we decided it would be best for her to have conscious sedation which means Valium & nitrous oxide. She was higher than a kite. It was too funny. She kept laughing & laughing. She also kept asking where her tongue, her teeth, & her lips were. Then I kinda felt bad for her b/c she would start crying & she didn't know why. So she would laugh then cry then laugh then cry. I told her it was like she was on a roller coaster. To which she replied, "No mom, roller coaster make me happy whole time". I cracked up because she sounded Chinese when she said it. I have video on my cell & if I can figure out how to post it I will.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting.......

I've been wanting to take the kids to a Japanese steakhouse for awhile. So this weekend after N's soccer tournament we decided to go to Sushi Japon in Austin. It was partially to celebrate S & mine's 15th anniversary too. For an appetizer we had a spider roll which is sushi w/fried softshell crab. Yes, even the kids liked it. For dinner we had soup, salad w/ginger dressing, a few shrimp, fried rice, hibachi steak & hibachi chicken. S & I shared a little peach saki & the kids split a Japanese fried ice cream. It was all DELISH! We had a lot of fun & so did the kids. Notice our chef is South American & not Japanese. :)